The text below constitutes a binding agreement between you and GetAllPremium and is enforceable accordingly.

  1. GetAllPremium is a DOWNLOAD SERVICE ONLY and does not ship physical products.
  2. Sales Policy

2.1 Prior to purchasing any digital product, it is your responsibility to ensure that your system meets the necessary technical requirements for using the product.

2.2 GetAllPremium is not liable for compatibility issues arising from using products on operating systems or devices that differ from those specified in the product’s technical requirements.

2.3 All sales, purchases, and payments made through GetAllPremium are considered final and non-refundable unless otherwise specified.

  1. Technical Support

3.1 As a digital content distributor, our expertise in addressing in-game issues is limited. For optimal support regarding game-related problems:

3.2 For assistance with GetAllPremium-related technical issues (e.g., download, installation, activation), we recommend checking the Help & FAQ section on our website for potential solutions. If you cannot resolve your issue using the provided resources, please contact us, and we will make reasonable efforts to help you resolve technical challenges related to downloading, installing, or activating your purchased product.

3.3 For payment-related inquiries, refer to Section 4. Payment Partners below.

  1. Payment Partners

4.1 GetAllPremium has limited access to transaction details. We advise reaching out to your payment provider’s support team as a primary resource for issues such as payment failures, credit card problems, suspected fraud, etc.

For any further assistance or clarification, please contact us in English.